Sunday 14 November 2010

Semi Otics

Semi Otics is an attempt to create a science of the study of sign systems and their role in the construction and reconstruction of meaning in media texts.

Their are three types of semi otics:
Symbolic- A sign that represents an object or concept solely by the agreement of the people who use it.
Iconic- Are things like religious paintings, statues and stained glass windows found in churches.
Indexical- Signs which have direct connection with what is being signified.

Signs consists of a signifier, the printed magazine advert itself and something that is signified, the 'idea' or 'meaning' behind the set of images used in the advertisement.

Below is a semi otics analysis of an magazine front page:
There are a numerous amounts of semi-otics used through this magazine front cover. The shot used in this magazine is a close-up shot taken at eye level. The subject  fills majority of this frame allowing the audience to see the detail of the subjects face. This shot allows emotion to be created from the subject. The angle of the camera allows the camera and subject to be the same level making the audience feel equal to the subject.

There are various indexical, iconic and symbolic signs used to construct and reconstruct the image. An iconic sign on the subject is the tattoo of the cross on his forehead. This sign signifies that the subject is religious and follows the Christianity religion. Another sign used is a symbolic sign. The subject is wearing a black suit with a black tie. This items of clothing are symbolic as they represent death and will be worn at a funeral.

There is a direct link between the image and the text on the left. The text anchors the image, defying the image and explaining the reasons behind it.

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