Sunday 14 November 2010

Music Genre and Re-presentation

In class we focused on how different music genre's appeal to different genders and different age groups. We also looked how men and women are being represented in each genre.
In class we had to make a list of various things which may represent each gender.
Below is two prime examples of how a male and female look in pop and hip hop.
Beneath is an male and female artist from Hip Hop genre

Keri Hilson

Beneath is a male and female artist from the POP genre

Justin Timberlake

Cheryl Cole

Below is a list which i feel represent each gender:
  • Sport 
  • Pratical
  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Arrogant
  • Providers
  • Trainers
  • Emotion less
  • Blue
  • Masculine
  • Higher paid jaobs
  • Moan
  • Focus on appearance
  • Mood Swings
  • Pink
  • Shoes
  • Emotional
  • Caring
  • Gossips
  • Not as intellectual
We also had to focus on two music genres and say how each gender is being represented. I choose Hip Hop  for men and Pop for women. We had to make notes under three categorises; Appearance of artists & fans, Lifestyles and entertainment choices & Music style, typical song content & themes.
For Hip Hop
Appearance of artist and fans;
  • New Era Hats
  • Hoodies
  • Jeans below the bum
  • Chains
  • Tattoo's
  • Watches
  • Earings
  • Colourful clothes
  • Designer brands
  • Trainers
Lifestyle and entertainment choices
  • 4x4 cars
  • Sport cars
  • Extravigent lifestlye
  • Women
  • Parties
  • Lack of resposibilities
  • Drugs
  • Alchool
  • Gang
  • Violence
Music style, typical song content and themes:
  • Rap
  • Grime
  • Drugs
  • Money
  • Girls
  • Getting Shot
  • Getting stabbed
  • Up tempo
For Pop
Appearance of artists and fans:
  • Make up
  • Lack of clothing items
  • Accessories
  • Neat Hair
  • Boots
  • High heals
  • Shirts
  • Jewellery
  • Perfume
Lifestyle and entertainment choices:
  • Parties
  • Drugs
  • Alchool
  • Mini Coopers
  • Gym
Musical style, typical song content and themes:
  • Ballard's
  • Meaning behind the lyrics
  • Love
  • Family
  • Life
  • Slow
  • Up Tempo
We also looked how men and women were being represented in an magazine. We had to focus on an magazine which we have not done before therefore I choose Top Of  The Pops. We had to focus on the front page, contents page and a double spread article. focusing on the technical aspects such as; Lighting & colour, Camera angle, shot, facial expression, body language, costume & props, setting and iconography.
Below is front page I had to mention how men and women are being represented:

  • The colour light purple background, with pink, purple and white font
  • The lighting used may be fill lighting and back lighting may be used as he is well lit
  • The camera angle is eye level
  • The shot is a mid close up shot
  • The camera is zoomed in to show his facial expression
  • His body language is relaxed, this represent him being a desirable object
 Unfortunately there is no contents page in Top Of The Pops, this is due to the readers tend to know the magazine well and just flick through with no purpose.

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