Sunday 14 November 2010


In class we studied anchorage and the meaning behind it and why it is used. The real meaning of anchorage is the action of securing something to a base or the state of being secured. In media studies this simply means to anchor the meaning of the image. This can be done through the use of words that are juxtaposed or placed alongside an image.
Here is an example of an image of a musician being anchoed:
                        I am A KEY WORD
Below is the example i done during lesson:

Is SOLO a NO GO????

Pharrell Williams contemplates recent success with N.E.R.D
Pharrell Williams took some time out of his busy schedule to discuss his recent success with N.E.R.D. Pharrell Williams mentioned how he feels he has grown since his Neptunes days and how he feels about calibrations with other artists.

Evaluation; the use of the copy has anchored the image because it expresses the feelings of the artist due to the pose he is taking up in the shot. The caption and the headline also explains what the image is about.

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