Sunday 14 November 2010

Image Analysis

In lesson we focused on various technical features that go into an image being constructed. We focused on the various shots involved in an image and noticed that the size of an image within the frame has various technical names according to how close the camera is to the subject. The different types of shots are; long shot, medium shot, close-up shot, big close up shot and point of view shot. We also focused on the angle at which the camera is held at. The types of angles which we recognised were; eye level, high angle and low angle. Other factors which can have a affect on the out come of a shot are; setting, framing, focus, colour, lighting, composition and body language. Focusing on these technical features will be a great help for us when taking photos for our preliminary task and our main task. We studied them to see the reason behind them and the massage that they create.

Below are the different examples of shots;
Long Shot

Medium Shot

Close up Shot

Extreme Close Up Shot

Below are examples of the different types of angles;
High Angle

Low Angle

Eye Level

For Home work i was assigned the task of finding two images of bands and analysing them. Below are the two images that i choose and the points which i have noticed from them;
  • The band is set against a background which resembles space and possibly suggesting that they are seen to be out of this world on the music industry.
  • The lighting in the photo is used to enhance the band making them stand out and look clear.
  • The theme used in the image has a link with the bands previous name:Neptunes.
  • The focal point of the camera is focused on the band.
  • The camera is positioned at eye level allowing the audience to connect with the band.
  • The image is a mid shot, however a slight bit closer as we are seeing above the hip.
  •  The image is in colour and a variety of colours are used mainly red. The colours are blended well and the image is well lit.
  • The band is the only thing included in the framing as the take up majority of the shot.
  • The body position of the band members as the two on the left and right have a  very negative position with their heads down and eyes closed. Where as the member in the middle looks very confident and a slight bit angered.
Gym Class Heroes
  • The band is set against a black background, which may be interpreted as a colour of dullness and death. Also the use of this colour allows the band to stand out.
  • Each band member has taken up a different body position. The choice of this creates movement to the image.
  • The theme of the image resembles a live performance
  • The camera is positioned at eye level, allowing the audience to directly connect with each artist.
  • The band are not the only focal point of the image as their instruments are also included in the image.
  • The lighting used on this image is artificial lighting such as; back light and key light. The use of this lighting allows the band to stand out also the background contributes to this.
  • The photo is a long shot of the band members.

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