Sunday 14 November 2010

Music Magazine Analysis

The front page of this music magazine 'VIBE' consists of many technical features. The photograph is a close-up shot of the artist Kanye West. The image is anchored by the text placed to the left. The words 'the truth hurts KANYE WEST' explains the meaning of the image and the reasons behind his choice of expression. The artist has taken up a serious and distressed look. This represents the distress he may be feeling. A quote is used from his interviews, 'I AM RAP'. This quote shows Kanye West's frustration and again anchors the image.

Also anchoring the image is the words 'HIS 50 GREATEST SONGS', the number 50 is expressed big and bold to highlight his great achievement.  throughout his music career. Also included in the phrase is'(AND 10 TO DELETE)', the use of this ands a hint of sarcasm and creates humor.

The denotation we get from the front page is what we can see. Present is a large photo of a man, which is looking directly at you. H is wearing a grey baseball sweat with a blue collar, the button is undone. Behind the phphotograph of the man is a grey background which darkens as it descends from top to bottom. There is writing on either side of the man, however the writing on the left is larger and stands out. The name of the magazine is placed behind the man.

The connotation we get from the front page is what is being suggested, there are many possible suggestions we get from the front page. The man is looking directly at us suggesting that he is serious and looks slightly aggrivated, which links to the text on the left. 'the truth hurts KANYE WEST' showing his reason behind his expression. The man has a full beard which may suggest he is experiencing some stress. |The man also has his head tilted slightly to the left, suggesting he is fed up. His name is also used in capital letters on the left 'KANYE WEST', this is showing the high status that he is carrying.

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