Tuesday 16 November 2010

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we were set the task of producing our own front cover and contents page for a school magazine. The magazine had to be based on the promotion of Acland Burghley School as an Arts College school. We had to plan our front cover and contents page on paper to get a rough idea of what we want them to look like. However their were certain things which had to be included. We had to include a mid shot of a pupil which must have been 100% original. Also we had to have: a masthead, strap lines and inside features. The mode of address must have been considered for the magazine.

I started producing my front cover by creating my masthead. I title my magazine "The Guide", which is a link to the purpose of the magazine. A guide to pupils who attend the La Swap sixth form. I choose to use a font that resembles handwriting and will stand out, so the audience will instantly know the name of the magazine. I used colours that a very bright and vibrant which represents the youthful audience. Next i added a few cover lines with a less complicated font and similar font. The size of these cover lines are much smaller than the masthead to prevent an confusions and to prevent an overcrowded page.

I have also included a competition in the magazine where students can win tickets to attend Thorpe Park. I have written this on the right hand side in red coloured font. The text has been aligned to the left to prevent the text overlapping the image. At the bottom of the page i have included the school website. This will be helpful for students as a quick access for when in need also to promote the schools website. Also on the right hand side I have written the words 'Must Do!!'. This cover line will attract my target market as it gives them an insight of ways to prevent boredom.

The coverlines on the right hand side also give an insight of what is included. "50 must watch pupils" is an important article included which shows my target market their achievements are not going unrecognised. The number "50" is larger than the rest of the text, to show the importance of the number.

Once I have placed my conventions around the page, I placed in the main image which is of a 6th form student relaxing against an artistic wall. The smile on the students face demonstrates the positive feelings he is feeling. The image if the student is a mid shot taken at eye level. The student is anchored by the words "exclusive interview with Mr Art". The key words are slanted to go across the students body. Once I Enlarged my image to fill the screen I made a few adjustments to my conventions.

For my contents page I choose to fill images into various shapes and place them across the page. I have used the masthead also on the contents page, but in a smaller font size. I included the word "contents" which has a different font and is more bold. The images used shows the various buildings of the school and the articles included. To allow a slight bit of extra information in another way than text. The font used on the contents page is simple and black which is grouped in different groups.

If I was given a choice I will develop a few things about my magazine. I will develop my front cover by improving my coverlines. I feel the color clashes with the background and there are not enough around the page. Also there is a lack of debt on them. I will improve my contents by making the font more appealing, to my target market. Also make my magazine appeal more to arts.

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