Thursday 11 November 2010

Magazine Front page analysis

During the production of creating our music magazines, we mad sure we focused and concentrated on any techniques or conventions that were needed to prefect our magazine. In lesson we analysed a choice of magazines, my choice of magazine was mixmag october 2010 edition. The conventions which i focused on from this magazine front page were; Masthead, Strapline, Lure, Coverlinem, Main image and Background.
There were several points i highlighted from this magazine that will aid my music magazine production. For the masthead, i noticed that the title relates to the target audience because it is aimed at DJ's. The Font used is simple and bold however the dot used on the 'i' resembles a disk which are used by DJ's. It also uses the colour black which is often classed as universal. Furthermore, I noticed the effective use of the strapline. The purpose of the strapline is to give a slight hint of what is included in the magazine. The font used is block like with the word 'DJ' enlaqrged and centred between the strapline. The word 'DJ' is in black where as the rest of the strapline is in orange. This choice of colouring allow's  the word 'DJ' to stand out and shows the importance of it. Also the use of the illumines colour allows it to stand out. Also, there are several coverlines used. These coverlines gives a slight clue of what is included within the magazine, all the covelines are aligned to the right in order not to overlap the images. The font used for the coverlines are bold, clack and simple. Futhermore a lure i present amongst the coverlines. This lure gused demonstrates a small quote which is used from and interview inside the magazine. Below is the work i done in class;

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