Thursday 22 September 2011

Trailers Structures

A trailer has an common narrative structure as it portrays events which occur to provide basic information about the narrative. The main function of a trailer is to lure the audience in, encouraging them to watch the film. Therefore, a trailer has to demonstrates the events which occur in the film without revealing the endings and resolutions. A trailer will display the most interesting aspects of a film creating a stimulating experience for the audience. This links in with Todorov's Theory of Narrative because a trailer demonstrates

  1. A state of equilibrium at the outset. - showing  the viewers the setting and main characters involved with the film
  2. A disruption of equilibrium by some action- shows the problem which has occurred within the film
  3. A recognition that there has been a disruption- show that the characters have released that the problem has occurred
  4. An attempt to repair the disruption- shows the events which the characters undergo to repair the problem
  5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium- a trailer does not display this as it will revel the ending to the film and not leave the viewers with the sense of anticipation 
The structure of a trailer and the lack of resolution creates intrigue for the audience. A trailer does not present an ending to lure the audience in and wonder the outcome, this also makes the audience want to watch the film. The audience will want to know the resolution and how the characters tackle the problem and if the survive. A trailer is also able to provide a clear indication of the genre of the film and the story line.

At  the start of the film we are presented with a female teacher who has a very negative attitude to school and teacher, this is the equilibrium. A disruption occurs when she realises that she is lacking in the male company and she is interested in a man who is able to take care of her this male sub recently got out of an relationship with a female with large attributes. A recognition of the problem is she believes he will notice her more with bigger breast she is also unable to afford to pay for a boob job due to it being expensive. An attempt to repair the solution is when she realises that the teacher who receives the highest scoring class receives a bonus.

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