Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Form and Functions of Voice-overs in Trailers

The purpose of a voice-over in film trailers is create and stress  certain and valuable information of the film. A voice-over is able to set the tone of the film, by the use of narrating. The voice-over is able to paint a clearer picture of the film as it is able to reinforce; title, actors, production crew and so on. A voice- over is also able to emphasis the release date of the film.

The Conventions Of a Voice- Over is;

  • Male Voice
  • Deep
  • Exaggerated/ Stressed Words
  • American Accent 
  • Authoritative
  • Tone of voice will very dependent on genre
Below are examples of voice- overs we studied in class along with the work sheet:

Honey 2

Honey 2 uses  a voice-over as a parallel link with the typography displayed on the screen. This allows audience to hear as well as see what is being said. This is also able to provide the audience with a slight insight of what is likely to occur within the film.


During a trailer a voice- over may be used as well as credits. The use of this type typography is able to grab the viewers attention even more as they will hear the same thing they see. The dialogue in a trailer is mainly used during the voice- over speaking. The use of dialogue is also able to complement the film as an image may appear which is relevant or parallel to what has been said or written. 

One of the most well known voice- over artist is Don LaFontaine. During his Career Don LaFontaine recorded more than 5,000 movie trailers as well as over 10,000 video game trailers, television advertisements and network promotions.  

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