Sunday 25 September 2011

Media Quiz- Film Reasearch


  • Acquisition- Purchasing goods/Services at the best total cost
  • Major Distributors- A large company which is able to release a a large number of films each year
  • Independent Distributors- Are subsidiaries, handle films made outside the studios
  • Marketability-how it can be promoted to its particular performance
  • Playability-how it actually performs in the distributors
When is the ideal time for a film's marketability to be assessed by a distributor?
The ideal time to asses is during the release of the film.

When is the ideal time for a distribution deal to be in place?
The earlier a distributor is involved the better, as they are able to help with funding for the film allowing it to acquire better advertising or even filming locations. 

What Government organisation co-ordinates the public funds available in the UK for film production?
The UK film Council

How many Films per a week are released on average in the UK?

What generates more money in the UK for films? Ticket sales or Home Entertainment Market (Film Rentals)?
Ticket sales generate more money

When is a Good time in the year to release a film aimed at young people in the UK?
It is a good time to release a film for young people in the UK, during the summer Holidays. As the school children will not be at school therefore they will have more free time and are more likely to attend the cinema.  

What is a Distributors plan?

What is meant by audience positioning?

Who awards film classification certificates in the UK?

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