Tuesday 27 September 2011

Horror Film Distributors

Below are list of distributors that cater in the niche market:

Arrow Films

Brain Damage Films

The film websites specialises in horror and its sub genre. These type of websites is targeted at passionate film lovers in these genres as they also distribute classics as well as re releases. Also available on this website is special edition cuts. These websites are a key influence in the film value chain and home cinema market, where in the UK majority of their money from. Small budgeted films are mainly best to be released directly to DVD, however  they also have the opportunity to re-release in the cinema. 

The Form and Functions of Voice-overs in Trailers

The purpose of a voice-over in film trailers is create and stress  certain and valuable information of the film. A voice-over is able to set the tone of the film, by the use of narrating. The voice-over is able to paint a clearer picture of the film as it is able to reinforce; title, actors, production crew and so on. A voice- over is also able to emphasis the release date of the film.

The Conventions Of a Voice- Over is;

  • Male Voice
  • Deep
  • Exaggerated/ Stressed Words
  • American Accent 
  • Authoritative
  • Tone of voice will very dependent on genre
Below are examples of voice- overs we studied in class along with the work sheet:

Honey 2

Honey 2 uses  a voice-over as a parallel link with the typography displayed on the screen. This allows audience to hear as well as see what is being said. This is also able to provide the audience with a slight insight of what is likely to occur within the film.


During a trailer a voice- over may be used as well as credits. The use of this type typography is able to grab the viewers attention even more as they will hear the same thing they see. The dialogue in a trailer is mainly used during the voice- over speaking. The use of dialogue is also able to complement the film as an image may appear which is relevant or parallel to what has been said or written. 

One of the most well known voice- over artist is Don LaFontaine. During his Career Don LaFontaine recorded more than 5,000 movie trailers as well as over 10,000 video game trailers, television advertisements and network promotions.  

Sunday 25 September 2011

Media Quiz- Film Reasearch

Source www.launchingfilms.tv 

  • Acquisition- Purchasing goods/Services at the best total cost
  • Major Distributors- A large company which is able to release a a large number of films each year
  • Independent Distributors- Are subsidiaries, handle films made outside the studios
  • Marketability-how it can be promoted to its particular performance
  • Playability-how it actually performs in the distributors
When is the ideal time for a film's marketability to be assessed by a distributor?
The ideal time to asses is during the release of the film.

When is the ideal time for a distribution deal to be in place?
The earlier a distributor is involved the better, as they are able to help with funding for the film allowing it to acquire better advertising or even filming locations. 

What Government organisation co-ordinates the public funds available in the UK for film production?
The UK film Council

How many Films per a week are released on average in the UK?

What generates more money in the UK for films? Ticket sales or Home Entertainment Market (Film Rentals)?
Ticket sales generate more money

When is a Good time in the year to release a film aimed at young people in the UK?
It is a good time to release a film for young people in the UK, during the summer Holidays. As the school children will not be at school therefore they will have more free time and are more likely to attend the cinema.  

What is a Distributors plan?

What is meant by audience positioning?

Who awards film classification certificates in the UK?

Thursday 22 September 2011

Horror Posters


Below is a presentation on distributors

Trailers Structures

A trailer has an common narrative structure as it portrays events which occur to provide basic information about the narrative. The main function of a trailer is to lure the audience in, encouraging them to watch the film. Therefore, a trailer has to demonstrates the events which occur in the film without revealing the endings and resolutions. A trailer will display the most interesting aspects of a film creating a stimulating experience for the audience. This links in with Todorov's Theory of Narrative because a trailer demonstrates

  1. A state of equilibrium at the outset. - showing  the viewers the setting and main characters involved with the film
  2. A disruption of equilibrium by some action- shows the problem which has occurred within the film
  3. A recognition that there has been a disruption- show that the characters have released that the problem has occurred
  4. An attempt to repair the disruption- shows the events which the characters undergo to repair the problem
  5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium- a trailer does not display this as it will revel the ending to the film and not leave the viewers with the sense of anticipation 
The structure of a trailer and the lack of resolution creates intrigue for the audience. A trailer does not present an ending to lure the audience in and wonder the outcome, this also makes the audience want to watch the film. The audience will want to know the resolution and how the characters tackle the problem and if the survive. A trailer is also able to provide a clear indication of the genre of the film and the story line.

At  the start of the film we are presented with a female teacher who has a very negative attitude to school and teacher, this is the equilibrium. A disruption occurs when she realises that she is lacking in the male company and she is interested in a man who is able to take care of her this male sub recently got out of an relationship with a female with large attributes. A recognition of the problem is she believes he will notice her more with bigger breast she is also unable to afford to pay for a boob job due to it being expensive. An attempt to repair the solution is when she realises that the teacher who receives the highest scoring class receives a bonus.


Above is an image which I have worked on in class. I took the image from google and edited on photoshop. I attempted to relate the image to an horror poster with and various textures.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Codes and Conventions of a film trailer

There are numerous things which you are likely to find on film trailer. These points are significant as the trailer is hugely influential in the success of a film. Things which are likely to appear on a trailer is:

  • Production Companies
  • Credits
  • Soundtrack
  • Release Date
  • Certification
  • Title of Film
  • Voice over

You are likely to find trailers:
  • Youtube 
  • Cinema
  • iTunes
  • TV Ads
  • Social Networking Sites

Thursday 15 September 2011

Uses and Gratification Theory

This theory brings up the possibility that the media audience often make active use of what the media offer. Every audience has their own needs and wants, which the media is able to meet one way or another.

There are four main reason audience watch:

1. Diversion- a form of escape from everyday life and problems
My form of diversion is pursuit of Happiness, this film is able to be a form of diversion due to the events which occur and the resolutions and outcome, this can be a form of escapism and provide viewers with positive thoughts.

2. Personal Relationships- which is companionship through identification with characters used and being able to have a discussion about it.
My form of Personal Relationship is Friday, this film is able to provide a topic of discussion due to the events covered and the affects which it has on the people involved. Due to the film being a comedy it is also seen very humorous and represents youths.

3.Personal Identity- the ability to compare ones life with the characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems and perspectives.
my form of personal identity is Cass, this film is based on a true story and covers events which the character has experienced. This allows the audience to feel emotion for the character and see the struggle and hardship they have experienced. This film also allows you to compare your life to the character.

4. Surveillance- Information of the happenings in the world
e.g The day after tomorrow, this film is a form of surveillance as it covers topics which are likely to occur and have occurred in the world. This film is able to educate the viewers on the happenings of the world.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Functions Of A Film Trailer

Film trailers have various functions, below is a list of them below

  • Make the audience aware of the release date
  • State the plot and genre of the film clearly
  • Film trailers are often used before a film at the cinema to appeal to the correct audience
  • State the actors and directors involved 
  • Advertise as well as promote the film

Below is a work sheet which was worked on in class:

Year 13 Brief

The task set for year  13 is to produce our own film trailer, as well as an magazine trailer to promote the film. We have been assigned a specific genre of Horror however, with the possibility of making it an hybrid. Our assigned target audience for this film is 15-25, we are also appealing towards independent, creative and aspiring adults.