Sunday 19 December 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

If i look bat at the preliminary task i was set, of designing a school magazine front cover and contents page compared to my music magazinge, i feel i have developed various techniques in the different softwares used; photoshop and pages. I learnt how valid it is to have enough research on what you are hoping to produce and do planning. This technique will allow you to produce an effective product which detail added is there for a reason.

I feel after completing my prelimanary task i was not fully confident on the codes and conventions, however I learnt what sort of things went on a magazine and the reason behind it. I focused on my wewakness and try to develop my knowledge on codes and conventions and i researched several different types of magazines and what sort of marketing they where targeting. From looking at several different genres and the codes and conventions they used, I fully developed a solid understanding and was able to produce my own.

In the production process I faced a few problems such as positioning. I wanted my product to look professional and be able to chalange the magazine I was researching codes and conventions. I tried out various positons for my conventions, but after looking at the source's front page I fealt I had chose the right position for it. The magazine I researched only had one image on the contents, therefore this part of production was not too difficult, however i needed to make sure there was enough text on the page.

If I was able to redo anything about my music magazine I would crop around the images i produced. I did attempt doing this however I found it too difficult to produce this. I saw this technique on the magazine i reasearched The Source.

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