Sunday 12 December 2010

In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real music magazines?

The genre of music I have chosen for my music magazine is 80s hip hop. I have chosen to research two different recent hip hop magazines: Vibe and The Source. I previously have done research on the music magazine mixmag, therefore I had knowledge about the conventions which consist on the front cover: date, issue, barcode, price, masthead, lures, main image, mode of address, cover lines and strap lines.  I used the information knew to analysis The Source and follow the conventions and codes which it consisted as it was the same genre.

The Source used a masthead which was big and bold and in red colored font to show the significance of it. After trying out various colors for my mastheads I chose to use the colour red and blue with intervals of black to represent how the magazine is ancient. The colour red and white is used throughout the page and the font is very consistent. I also used consistent and clear font however I had to vary the colour as due to the image background I was unable to use white font. There is a lack of text on the front page as each strap line is followed by a few words to lure the audience in. I also adopted this technique and on my music magazine and limited the amount of text.

The Source also uses a consistent font throughout the contents page and colour. The background is also white. Each page tile is written in red with grey writing for the description. Also the section description is in black font which fades into grey. There is only one image on the contents page which is anchored. I also chose to use one image on my contents page however I enlarged it to the background. 

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