Wednesday 15 December 2010

How does my media product represent particular social groups?

In the main image of my music magazine there are three photos which are merged together. The three male models are wearing a mixture of clothing, as two of them are dressed in hoodies whilst one is wearing a jumper. One of my male models has his hood up which may be seen as stereotypical for teens our age. My three male models are representing the social group linked with hip hop.

The clothing worn by my male models is a combination of intimidating and smart. One of my male models is portraying both whilst the other two have one or the other. In comparison to the magazine i researched, The Source my magazine does not use the stereotypical American Hip Hop look.

This appeals to the market i will be targeting because it portrays youth culture, which they can have a direct link with. The male models are of a mixture of origins such as; African British, Caribbean British and Asian.

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