Sunday 19 December 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

If i look bat at the preliminary task i was set, of designing a school magazine front cover and contents page compared to my music magazinge, i feel i have developed various techniques in the different softwares used; photoshop and pages. I learnt how valid it is to have enough research on what you are hoping to produce and do planning. This technique will allow you to produce an effective product which detail added is there for a reason.

I feel after completing my prelimanary task i was not fully confident on the codes and conventions, however I learnt what sort of things went on a magazine and the reason behind it. I focused on my wewakness and try to develop my knowledge on codes and conventions and i researched several different types of magazines and what sort of marketing they where targeting. From looking at several different genres and the codes and conventions they used, I fully developed a solid understanding and was able to produce my own.

In the production process I faced a few problems such as positioning. I wanted my product to look professional and be able to chalange the magazine I was researching codes and conventions. I tried out various positons for my conventions, but after looking at the source's front page I fealt I had chose the right position for it. The magazine I researched only had one image on the contents, therefore this part of production was not too difficult, however i needed to make sure there was enough text on the page.

If I was able to redo anything about my music magazine I would crop around the images i produced. I did attempt doing this however I found it too difficult to produce this. I saw this technique on the magazine i reasearched The Source.

Original Photos

Wednesday 15 December 2010

How did I attract/ address the audience for my music publication?

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Who I am basing my artist on

De La Soul

Run Dmc

How does my media product represent particular social groups?

In the main image of my music magazine there are three photos which are merged together. The three male models are wearing a mixture of clothing, as two of them are dressed in hoodies whilst one is wearing a jumper. One of my male models has his hood up which may be seen as stereotypical for teens our age. My three male models are representing the social group linked with hip hop.

The clothing worn by my male models is a combination of intimidating and smart. One of my male models is portraying both whilst the other two have one or the other. In comparison to the magazine i researched, The Source my magazine does not use the stereotypical American Hip Hop look.

This appeals to the market i will be targeting because it portrays youth culture, which they can have a direct link with. The male models are of a mixture of origins such as; African British, Caribbean British and Asian.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Who would be the audience for my media product?

The music magazine i will be creating will contain a mixture of present Hip Hop and 80s Hip Hop. I have chose to combine the two as the 80s was a crucial period for Hip Hop and can be seen as the making of Hip Hop. In my music magazine there will be articles which cover a wide verity of topics other than music, just like the music magazine i researched, The Source.  Topics will include; fashion, music, business, health, politics, etc.

My target market is aged between 16-19. My target market does not have a specific full time job as this age period is when the move onto higher education. At this age they are mainly on a part time job, therefore they may be earning a basic salary.

My audience would listen to fair bit of music as they will need to have a solid enough knowledge about the various artists. They may be listening to music from a download illegally (e.g Limewire) or legally (e.g iTunes). They also  may attend live performance of the various artists which produce music in the same genre. Also they will be able to access music on various radio stations and music channels.

If the stereotypical point of view is taken on people will often say that my target market spends their money on alcohol, cigerettes and drugs. This view is true in some cases however, my target market often spend money on tickets to music events and attend the cinema. Therefore there spair time is mainly occupied. the other hobbies which they may take up is sport, such as; Basketball, footballl and boxing.

The type of products I will advertise in my magazine, will be items of clothing, trainers, hats, bags and technology which will have a link with the artists i am promoting and will be items desired by my target market. 

Sunday 12 December 2010

In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real music magazines?

The genre of music I have chosen for my music magazine is 80s hip hop. I have chosen to research two different recent hip hop magazines: Vibe and The Source. I previously have done research on the music magazine mixmag, therefore I had knowledge about the conventions which consist on the front cover: date, issue, barcode, price, masthead, lures, main image, mode of address, cover lines and strap lines.  I used the information knew to analysis The Source and follow the conventions and codes which it consisted as it was the same genre.

The Source used a masthead which was big and bold and in red colored font to show the significance of it. After trying out various colors for my mastheads I chose to use the colour red and blue with intervals of black to represent how the magazine is ancient. The colour red and white is used throughout the page and the font is very consistent. I also used consistent and clear font however I had to vary the colour as due to the image background I was unable to use white font. There is a lack of text on the front page as each strap line is followed by a few words to lure the audience in. I also adopted this technique and on my music magazine and limited the amount of text.

The Source also uses a consistent font throughout the contents page and colour. The background is also white. Each page tile is written in red with grey writing for the description. Also the section description is in black font which fades into grey. There is only one image on the contents page which is anchored. I also chose to use one image on my contents page however I enlarged it to the background.