Tuesday 4 October 2011

Features of Multimodal Texts

Multi-modal texts are important in the running of the media. A film trailer is an example of a multi-modal text as they are able to make an meaning through a combination of different modes of communication. During a film trailer there are many different things happening at the same time.

Features of Multi-modal text are;

  • Written text in screen
  • spoken language
  • Moving images
  • Sound effects
  • Music
Below is an example of the features of a multi-modal texts in The silent house

The start of the trailer begin with the distriutor and production company present on the screen. This is able to give information of the involvements with the film. There are also various typography which is present throughout the film which is able to make the audience aware of the genre and the base of the film. "Laura and her father", "have to fix up their old house" "But before the night is over". There is not much spoken language in the trailer as a lot of typography is used to make the audience aware and draw them in. However, the basic is used to allow the audience to be aware of the characters involved, such as "Papa". The trailer begins with a peaceful non-digetic sound which soon alters as the action begins. As every piece of typography appears on the screen we hear a new piece of Non-digetic sound.

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