Wednesday 12 October 2011

Analysis of Jennifer's Body- Gender Representation


The first shot used to open the trailer is of Jennifer swimming in the lake nude. This type of shot presents the protagonist as an sexual figure, attracting the male audience. We are presented Jennifer as sexual through the various close up and mid shots used to display her expression and emotions. As the trailer progresses we see Jennifer wearing very feminine clothing and colours. we see a clip during the equilibrium of Jennifer in her cheer leading outfit, which revels her legs. The mise-en-scene is also able to show Jennifer as feminine through her pink earrings and pink jumper.


We see two types of lighting used during this trailer. When the protagonist is the 'High School Sweat Heart' and during the equilibrium it is brightly lit and natural lighting is used throughout. The protagonist is able to stand out due to the bright coloured clothing she wears. However soon as there is a disruption and it is recognised it is darkly lit and a lot of low key lighting.


The choice of dialogue used by the protagonist is also seen to be sexually suggestive, by the tone of her voice and body language. We see the protagonist say to a male character "Do you want it". This choice of words is also accompanied by the actions of Jennifer unzipping her top.  The protagonist also says things such as, "I go both ways". This presents Jennifer as sexually open as well as sexually active.

Camera angles/ Shot types/ Framing/ Movements

There are numerous shots and camera angles used which are able to present the protagonist as sexual. These shots which may be seen through the male gaze and is able to support Laura Mulvey's suggestions. There are a number of close up shots used which present the protagonist as sexual, through the seductive expression she has. An effective shot is the extreme close up used to portray Jennifer about to kiss Needy. This shows the protagonist to be sexually active with females as well as men.


There is a link used through the editing and the lighting. These two techniques are able to work parallel as the editing begins slow during the equilibrium and begins to pick up paces as soon as there is a disruption and it has been recognised. At the start of the trailer there are three fade shots which are used during the slow pace editing. These shots are able to present Jennifer as a desirable object and sexual. Jennifer is able to stand out amongst her fellow peers.

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