Wednesday 9 November 2011

Practice Film Session

This practice session which I under went was able to aid my skills and broaden my understanding of the technical aspects involving filming. During this exercise I had to use 8 different camera angles and be able to ensure there was continuity with ensuring that I edited it well to achieve this. 
Considering all the technical aspects i feel my used certain better than others: 

  • Camera Shots/angles- In my group I used a variety of different shots and angles  to provide use with more options to choose from. 
  • Composition- In my group we did not focus on the composition of each shots, this is something we could take into consideration for the filming of our horror trailer.
  • Movement- I feel my group used the appropriate movement of the camera to highlight the focus of the shot and portray how we wanted to present the character.
  • Lighting- In my group I believe this was our weakest area as we did not consider this and opted for natural lighting throughout as the clip. This is something to also consider when filming my trailer.
  • Editing- We edit our clip individually, therefore I was able to include what I felt would be appropriate and fit with the piece. 

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