Theordo Adorno 1903-1969, strongly believed that capitalism was able to provide people with the products of a 'cultural industry' to keep them passively satisfied and politically apathetic rather than portraying 'true art'. Adorno saw capitalism had become more precarious which was predicted by Karl Marx. Marx had focused on economics whereas, Adorno placed emphasis on the role of culture.
Adorno suggests :
- Cultural Industries- Is able to produce a mass of unsentimental products, which have replaced the more difficult art forms, which may lead one to question their social life
- False Needs- Are placed within people through the cultural industries, these needs are created and satisfied by the cultural system which is able to replace true needs such as, freedom or genuine creative happiness
- Commodity fetishism- means that social that cultural experiences and social relations are objectified through money
The trailer which we are producing will be cultivating false needs and commodity fetishism. new film produced have the aim of making an profit and lure the audience into being interested into their goods and services. Our trailer will fall into a form of diversion in the gratification theory, as audience will find it a form of escapism and enjoy seeing events unfold which are different to their everyday life. However, some people may be able to relate to the issue covered, as we ate portraying an ordinary teen just starting university and having to deal with a 'clingy' friend. However, the part of our film which is able to differentiate it from everyday life is the horrific events which take place.