Wednesday 6 July 2011

Evaluation of film process- "The Meeting"

The group i was in consisted of Jennifer, Matt, Catherine and Dylan. As you can see the size of our group problems were bound to occur as there was too many people in our group so disagreements and personality clashes were bound to occur and they did. We decided todo one meeting but soon relised that not everyone was able to put an equal input and contribute to there best ability.

Therefore we created another meeting allowing people the chance of try something different. The film was a short 5 minuet clip. In the first clip we had Jennifer, Dylan and Catherine as actors. Matt was producing and i was filming. The focus of the meeting was an investment scam, with the series of Hustle in mind. entrapping the main protaganist Dylan and Catherine, Jennifer the scammers. The script was made in collaboration by Catherine and Matt with creative input from the whole group. 

In the filming we used a tripod to ensure continuity in the cinematography. In evaluation this extract was pulled off successfully, however the group as a whole could have done more planning in the beginining and tried to co ordinate cohesively as a unit. In my responsibilities as producer i should have taken a greater control of procedings and a script on time.

The secound extract consit of me matt be actors while Jennifer, Catherine and Dylan have an input behind the scenes. Due to the lack of time and overall lack of imangination and creativity this was less successfull in its purpose. In evaulation this taught me a lesson in time management and producing a quality product consistently. As a group this was less successfull because not everybody had a say in procedings or input. 

I feel i could have worked harder and put in more effort in this task however it was difficult to get you point of view across due to the size of my group. 

In terms of the technology aspect, i felt i learnt new skills and was able to develop some skills i did not have before. I felt i learnt more about shooting a film i was able to develop my skills on framing and length of shoots, etc. I also learnt how to edit movies on iMovies, where you are able to link clips and shorten them. However I feel I still am not able to operate and function iMovies correctly.

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