This theory brings up the possibility that the media audience often make active use of what the media offer. Every audience has their own needs and wants, which the media is able to meet one way or another.
There are four main reason audience watch:
1. Diversion- a form of escape from everyday life and problems
My form of diversion is pursuit of Happiness, this film is able to be a form of diversion due to the events which occur and the resolutions and outcome, this can be a form of escapism and provide viewers with positive thoughts.
2. Personal Relationships- which is companionship through identification with characters used and being able to have a discussion about it.
My form of Personal Relationship is Friday, this film is able to provide a topic of discussion due to the events covered and the affects which it has on the people involved. Due to the film being a comedy it is also seen very humorous and represents youths.
3.Personal Identity- the ability to compare ones life with the characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems and perspectives.
my form of personal identity is Cass, this film is based on a true story and covers events which the character has experienced. This allows the audience to feel emotion for the character and see the struggle and hardship they have experienced. This film also allows you to compare your life to the character.
4. Surveillance- Information of the happenings in the world
e.g The day after tomorrow, this film is a form of surveillance as it covers topics which are likely to occur and have occurred in the world. This film is able to educate the viewers on the happenings of the world.