Monday 20 February 2012

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I revived a mixture of positive as well as negative feedback from channel 4. However, most of my feedback was positive. my trailer was seen as "Attention grabbing" as well as "Exciting".

The feedback I received also made it clear to me that my storyline was clear as all participants highlighted how they understood what was happening. I also Was complemented on the verity of images used as well as number of shots.

Moreover, the genre of my film was also made clear through the style of editing used as well as the soundtrack. my audience were also able to tell that my film was within the horror genre due to the mise-en-scene, e.g a dark warehouse for a setting. Also my storyline and plot was also made clear and described as "Enlightening". my trailer had a sense of suspense during the ending as the editing pace began to quicken and different shots were used to create the dramatic effect desired and allow the audience to develop worry for my female protagonist in danger.

My audience feedback was mainly positive and they also made clear that they would go and see my film in cinema, as it appeals to them as the characters used are relateble and seen as a realistic storyline. however, the feedback I received also mentioned how my typography was difficult to read as the timing was too short. they also highlighted how some dialogue was difficult to hear as the soundtrack was seen as overpowering at some points.